Today i launched a new site called I was working on this for quite some time now and finally it is live.
What is Indimeme?
It is a meme tracker site, which indexes Indian blogs and gives a sneak peak of the hottest stories from the Indian blogosphere. This is an experimental release meaning things may not properly at this time. I will improve it in the coming weeks.
It also aggregates posts from Indian blogs, don’t worry i won’t show your full feed, we show only 250 characters of a post. Other features include today’s popular posts, popular posts of the week, popular posts of the month, search function and RSS feeds. In blogs section you can see the currently aggregated blogs, blog info contains URL, RSS feed of the blog, tags, latest posts and popular posts of that blog. Ranking of the blogs and other statistics will be added soon.
You are welcome to send feedback, comments or criticism. It is not indexing a ton of blogs yet, i have added few blogs, i will add more in the next few days. Mean while you know a good blog that should be included in indimeme feel free to contact me.
Hey, this is neat. Loved the simple design, load speed and of course the content.
With more content in coming days, it should look better.
How about adding ‘Techno Life @ is the list? 🙂
Kudos to you Ram, the site looks great and will surely be successful.
Thanks for including me in the list and best of luck for the future of Inidmeme 🙂
Hey great improvement over the previous and its just excellent.. Just a suggestion …. how about giving a different background color to the content area..#f4f4f4 … Also you can give hover property to links. From links can have different colors other than blue which will make it little less bluish. Just some of my opinions .. rest its great .. 🙂
Hello Ram 🙂
Good new initiative there. Here is my say:
1) Give the design on Indimeme a bit more spice
2) Make the indexing fast
3) Make the design fixed instead of fluid as it breaks incase I resize my browser window
and rest is all cool and good
and btw your blog design breaks in IE so please check that as well
Yup the design is indeed neat and readable 🙂
Nice Work Ram. The design looks good. And thanks for including me there.
thanx for the comment, added your blog.
@Keith, Shankar
Thanx a lot
Yes i changed it a bit, i will see if i can improve further.
Thanks for the headsup, i will make the fixed design. I need a good logo 🙂
There are enough digg clones i think
Good work man!
How about Digg-like voting/digging??
Great startup…was just digging through the whole collection and found some great articles…
Is it open source?